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Writer: C.A. BodenheimerC.A. Bodenheimer

From the field desk of:

C. A Bodenheimer

Wheeler's Corp

First Division

Haessly Brigade

8th Confederate Cavalry

General Wheeler,

It was my pleasure to be invited to a gathering, at your request, of the meeting of the officers of the Audacious Army of Tennesse, Indefatigable Department of the Gulf, and Aggressive Army of the Trans-Mississppi in Vicksburg.

I must admit Sir, the miles we've already ridden and fought over the last year have almost made our derriers calloused, but not quite. This journey was longer than expected on my old worn out steed, but I made it in time for the raucousness on Friday evening. If the damn railroads were running I might have made it on time. My apologies for missing your fantastic dinner but I more than made up for the lack of feeding like a week starved mule on Saturday at General Tarwater's dinner.

I do believe the meeting went well and the appointments from President Davis will be for the better. I see the Armies of the South organising better and having great opportunities to recruit new troops into the ranks. The discussions on recruitment went well. I do have reservations about a few individuals but we shall see if the level headed-ness will prevail.

I hope the re-organisation will prove to have better communications overall and look forward to working with Col Stocks every chance I can get.

The locations you have provided us for rest and excitement over the next year I do believe will be fruitful in fun and experiences.

On my ride back to my headquarters I stopped by the great battlefields of Champion's Hill and Big Black River. To know that so many of our brethren were murdered there by the yankee horde makes me sick to my stomach and makes me want to seek revenge, not only for their souls but those of the now displaced families. The ground I did tred with reverence in their memory.

I have arrived back at home and will be preparing the troops for the upcoming campaign you wish us to accompany you on. I look forward to seeing you again in Mississippi in the next month.

I respectfully remain your obedient servant

Lt. Col. C. A. Bodenheimer



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